Thursday, February 7, 2013

Your wife and kids have passions too...

A lot times we (men) get caught up in the pursuit of our career, which may or may not also be the pursuit of our passions. If it's not, we're usually pretty darn sure to do something we are passionate about so life isn't all work. Good! We should do that. However, all too often that comes at the expense of anyone else in the family getting to do the same, or being there so support them in their pursuits. Balance in ANYTHING is really hard to achieve, but this one is important and should constantly be pursued. Sometimes that means as a husband and a father that you have to sacrifice your wants to accommodate those of your family. That's okay, that's partly what you signed up for when you decided on this whole marriage and family thing. For me, while I do take some time for myself, there is nothing more rewarding, nor more passionate about, than my oldest son burning down the track in the 100 meters; listening to my oldest daughter sing like there is no tomorrow; watching my 10-year-old son break a tackle and pick up another 15 yards; watching my 8-year-old son take on all comers in soccer even though they are all twice his size; watching my 6-year-old daugther at her ballet class; and wathching my wife choreograph a new dance for her high school students she teaches. Saturday morning I will be at a chess tournament watching my two youngest sons compete. I don't care for chess. Actually I can't stand it and I really detest chess tournaments...they somehow never end. There are things I could be doing Saturday morning, but I feel better about being there telling them, "good job" becuase they either won or lost with grace. Whatever I need to do Saturday can wait a little bit. This has been a Public Service Announcement desinged to be a reminder for me, myself, and I. SNAPP

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