Friday, February 15, 2013

Is it REALLY a big deal?

We reminded our oldest daughter a number times yesterday morning to not forget her lunch when she left for school. A number of times she has fogotten her lunch and one of us has driven to her school to give it to her. Yesterday there was no way we could do that and we let her know that. We reminded her two or three times. Yep...she went to school without her lunch. Options: 1) Let her figure out how to get a lunch at school...we reminded her several times. 2) Don't worry about it at's her fault. 3) Text her, lay into her for forgetting it again and then drop what you're doing and take it to her, even though you really can't. 4) Text her and let her know you will bring it to the office, that you love her and hope she has a good day. I did number 4. I am NOT bragging, I am just happy that I did take a moment, and while I was frustrated and ended up being late for work, she knew I loved her and was willing to do it if I could. She felt "stupid" and bad that she forgot it again...I didn't have to add to that. No, I did not feel the need to teach her a lesson. I felt the need to let her know I loved her and that all she did was forget her lunch. So no, it is NOT a REALLY big deal. I think sometimes we make little things into really big deals. I do, and just glad I didn't yesterday. SNAPP

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