Friday, October 26, 2012

"I can't man, I have to watch the kids tonight, my wife has class." I have a problem with that line that I heard today (and have heard many times over the years). You don't watch your kids. You don't babysit your kids. You don't tend your kids. They are your kids, and you love them. You're not hired're the father. Now maybe I didn't have the whole story today, but other times I have. Change your way of thinking! And by the way, if you really have minimized yourself in this relationship to simply be one who watches your kids now, then turn your gaming system off and watch your kids. Oh yeah, that's what this guy was bummed out about today, he couldn't go to his pal's house on Friday night and play video games. Man up! Your greatest relationships need to be with your wife and kids...period. There's time for games and friends, but I don't imagine you just go and watch're engaged somehow. Be so with your kids! SNAPP